@article{oai:dokkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000430, author = {小早川, 暁 and Kobayakawa, Satoru}, issue = {71}, journal = {獨協大学英語研究, Dokkyo University studies in English}, month = {Oct}, note = {40019479504, Within the framework of Conceptual Semantics, developed by Ray Jackendoff (e.g. Jackendoff 1983, 1990, 1991), this paper proposes a new conceptual function QT that accounts for the syntactic and semantic properties of quantified noun phrases, such as five pens, some pens, and some water. It is shown that this function takes an unbounded aggregate/substance as its argument and maps it into a bounded aggregate/substance.  Iwamoto (2008) analyzes these phrases in terms of Jackendoff's (1991) COMP function, which is assumed to map only an unbounded entity (i.e. an unbounded aggregate/substance) into a bounded entity (i.e. an individual or a group). Several arguments are presented against Iwamoto's analysis, and it is shown that the COMP function can also take as its argument a bounded entity (i.e. an individual, a group, or a bounded aggregate) and that it can also map its argument into an unbounded entity (i.e. an unbounded aggregate/substance). (第1段落のfive pens、some pens、some waterはイタリック体)}, pages = {25--77}, title = {COMP関数と数量詞}, year = {2012} }